Tuesday, October 1, 2013

♥Newness @ G o s h !♥

Hey Hey ya'll...

I've been makin' gestures for years now.  Also for years I've been messin' around with tryin' to learn how to mix my own music and what not.  I have an absolute love for music.  I think it's amazing how music can cheer us up, bring us down...it throws out so many emotions...I love it...

With that being said...

I am very happy and proud to announce that G o s h ! isn't just gestures anymore.  I've expanded and now am making DJ Intros/Drops/SignOffs/Loops and still Custom Gestures.  Being a DJ in Second Life, you're constantly lookin' for ways to make yourself stand out...or at least I am.  I try to expose people to music they may not be exposed to otherwise.  A great DJ Intro can separate you from the rest of the DJs.  I've heard some and all though the effort was awesome...they just weren't the greatest.  Not the smoothest transitions...or what not.  I've been lucky enough to know some of the BEST DJs in Second Life and with each of them they have taught me things and helped me to be able to expand.  I owe so much to them for letting me pick their brains.  I know that I'll never be at their level...but I hope that I can create something for them and other DJs that separates them from the rest of the DJs...I make custom Intros...I try to make it as much your personality as possible.  This is your Intro...This will open up your set and let people know who you are, what you're playing...and is just a good way to get your name (lol and mine) out there.

Please join my group G o s h ! in SL for updates and freebers...

Join G o s h ! on FB

Like G o s h ! on FB

You can also send me an IM letting me know what you're wanting be it an Intro, a Drop, A Signoff, Gestures...and I'll be more than happy to work with you in making you a personal intro. Any Custom Gestures are full mod and Intros, Drops, SignOffs, Loops come in MP3 Format to play with your stream.

Also...I'm offering a couple of Freebers in the store right now!  They're from the LoCash Cowboys song "C-O-U-N-T-R-Y" and will be available in the freeber board for a limited time.

G o s h ! @ Inspire ( :::: HickLife :::: Headquarters )

If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please feel free to IM me Anastasia Bergbahn...I'd love to hear from you.  I'm lookin' for a mainstore that is both a nice location and dependable.  So if anyone has any information on that, again...please IM me :o)

Check out some samples on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/g-o-s-h-1/

Thanks ya'll!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

♥Introducing :::: HickLife ::::♥

Join :::: HickLife :::::

Like us on Facebook: H :: I :: C :: K :: L :: I :: F :: E

I've recently started DJing again @ Wild Texas Rose. I started a new DJ group but then got to thinkin' that it would be nice to have it a collaboration of sorts.  I've been lookin' for a good while for good places to go hangout and have fun, so I'm sure that there are others out there lookin' as well.  I created :::: HickLife ::::: to use as my DJ group but I would like for other DJs, Hosts, Live Performers, Club Owners, Everyone to feel free to join.  If you're DJIng and wanna expand to another audience please do so!  Invite anyone and everyone and let's all keep up with each other where to hang out :) I spin Hick-Hop, Country Rap, Pop Country, and just various genres and am interested in them all.

Also if anyone could offer me any pointers on how I can make this group a successful one, I'd love to hear from you. 

Subscribe to :::: HickLife :::: on YouTube:

If you would like to be able to post notices in the group, please IM one of the following:
Anastasia Bergbahn
DekeRivers Resident
Giggles Haggwood
Treeguy32 Haystack
Brea Skytower

Thursday, September 19, 2013

♥ Freeber By G o s h ! ♥

Guess what?!?!?  G o s h ! is BACK!  Finally I feel like I have found a home for G o s h ! Gestures.  I've been searching for a little bit since I haven't had Sweety Bay anymore...I loved that sim, but I found one even BETTER!!!  Omg...The view is breathtaking!!!  I am so proud to have my home at Wild Texas Rose and I hope that each and every one of you will take the time to check it out.  Cola and Dani have captured everything I've wanted.  It was weird...I landed there and instantly felt like I was at home.  You can take a look around...Go take some photos.  There's fishing.  You can ride horses around the trails...and if you don't like the weather in Texas....Just wait a minute and see if you can outrun the massive tornado that's about to create destruction in it's path!!!  Run for safety into the club and grab you a drank.  Dance and listen to some amazing DJs.  This sim has absolutely everything....Please come take advantage of all this beauty...

This sim will be perfect for you photographer and bloggers.  There's shops (Shameless Plug: G o s h ! Gestures), Games, Horseback Riding Trails, Fishing, Couple spots that are excellent for pictures.  Check it out too if you're a Live Performer....I'm tellin' ya the sim has EVERYTHING!!! 

While you're there...Mosey on into my shop and grab you some country gestures, makin' you even more at home!  Don't forget to slap that Freeber board and get the TWO BRAND NEW Gestures offered.  Grab them while they're in the Freeber board because once they're out they're $75L a piece!!!

Ok I know it's been awhile since I've posted.  I've been kinda bummed about not having Sweety Bay anymore...I really loved that sim...but I'm even more excited about this one!!!

Here's the link one more time: 
Wild Texas Rose

Love ya, Mean it...


Friday, July 12, 2013

♥Freebers By G o S H !♥

Hey ya'll...I know it's been a minute or so since I've posted.  Imma be back in it just had to sort some things :) I'm offering a couple of freebers today if you're interested...

I love Harley Quinn...She's awesome...I am offering two brand new Harley Quinn gestures in the Freeber board for a limited time.  So hop on over to the store and pick 'em up.

I have also put up a bunch of new gestures! YAY!!!  Most of them are from songs, and I have a few to the Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines...I LOVE THIS SONG lol...

OK well this is gonna be short and sweet till next time.  Ya'll know what to do

Love ya, Mean it...

G o S H ! Gestures ~ Mainstore

Thursday, June 6, 2013

♥ Freebers By G o S H ! Gestures ♥

Hey Ya'll..Today G o S H ! is offering two FREEBERS!!!  I love love love Miss Swan so I've been making some more gestures of her!  Gosh she cracks me up lol.  These TWO Gestures will be $75L once they're out of the freeber board.  So you better get over and get 'em while they're free!  One says "Hi How Are You" in her ever so cute Miss Swan voice and the other one says "You Need to take a chill pill" both can be used in every day conversation lol...

Anyway...come by and pick 'em up.  Take a look around too.  I offer GESTURE PACKS now.  Mosey on outside the store and wander around the rest of the sim.  Ride some bicycles, or horses...have a dance on the dancefloor.  Just come and have fun :)

G o S H ! @ Sweety Bay

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

♥ Freebers By G o S H ! Gestures ♥

Hey Hey Ya'll...I'm offering two FREEBERS today.  After our Monday blues some people consume way too much coffee and become frazzled...Well let Miss Swan cure all your coffee woes and yell NO MORE COFFEE FOR YOU!!!!  I just love Miss Swan so I've been making some more of her gestures.  I've also got a Miss Swan Gesture Pack in the store for those interested in owning ALL of the Miss Swan Gestures I've made!!!  You'll get a 5% discount if you purchase the Gesture Pack..and if you're wearing your G o S H ! Group tag...you get an ADDITIONAL 13% off.  How cool is that?!?  Yeah I know I have odd numbers...but I just gotta color outside the lines sometimes lol...
The next freeber is for Throwback Tuesday...Who remembers Captain Caveman?!?!? I do...I LOVED that cartoon when I was little...so here's a lil bit of now vintage cartoon!  CAP'N CAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!
As always please enjoy your stay on our beautiful SIMS...Sweety Bay and Sunny Dream.  Hop on one of the many horses and ride throughout the countryside in our picturesque landscape...Bring your friends and all ya'll can ride horses too!  Wanna give the horses a lil break? Why not ride a bicycle...We've got dirt roads and hills...And then once you're all heated up from riding in the sun, throw on those swim suits and take a dip down at the inner toobs cool those pixels off...ride throughout both sims basking in the sun and taking pictures or just having great conversation with friends.  We've got so many attractions to offer ya'll.  Wanna great place to live?  Check out our rentals on Sunny Dream.  I hope you've turned your sounds on and the music we have an awesome radio station: G o S H ! Radio.  I have to say I love just about every song they play...it's almost like they jumped into my music folders and grabbed my music...OH WAIT...I loaded the songs, no wonder they rock lol...

Anyway...Stop in and get the freebers...Come up and dance on the dancefloor or just hangout...We've got a GREEDY GREEDY table...Play it! 


Saturday, May 25, 2013

♥ G o S H ! Rentals 05.25.2013 ♥

Lookin' for a great place to rent?  Introducing G o S H ! Rentals

We have bought another region and have decided to share the beauty with ya'll.  At this time we offer THREE Personal Parcels on our Sunny Dream Region with TWO available to rent right now. Sunny Dream's is right next door to our other sim Sweety Bay Explore our beautifully landscaped and exceptionally terraformed regions and decide for yourself.  We take great time and care to ensure that you have a wonderful experience.  Our key to detail will make you proud to make your home with us. 

Available Personal Parcels - 2

Personal Parcel #1 - 659 PRIMS - 1600/WEEK Pd to your rent box or your letter box.  Free terraforming and landscaping services.  Use of all amenities of both sims.

Personal Parcel #2 - 274 PRIMS - 666/WEEK Paid to your rent box or your letter box.  Free terraforming and landscaping services.  Use of all amenities of both sims.

As soon as you land on either of the sims you will feel at home.  We offer you some Good Ole Southern Hospitality in an easy going atmosphere.  We offer many amenities to our residents, including:

Horseback Riding - Right now we have four beautiful black horses that when not bein' ridden roam freely throughout the sim. 

Bicycles:  Located on the Sunny Dream Sim, grab you a bicycle out of the rezzer and take a journey down the dirt roads or around the sim where ever you please.  When you're done, don't worry about the bicycle, just hop off and it will derez itself. 

Inner Toob:  Mosey on over to the cave and hop in an inner toob and take yourself a ride around through our right now very lazy river.  

Party at the club on the dancefloor with use of G o S H ! Radio or we can set up a Live DJ. 

These are just a few of the many wonderful amenities and activities we have to offer at Sweety Bay & Sunny Dream.  Don't forget to get you a little bit of shopping done.  I can't begin to really express how much pride we have taken in creating a friendly and fun atmosphere for all kinds.  

Bring your friends and have a party.  Make new friends, new memories...or share some with old friends.  

Contact: JanisJoplin Delicioso for more rental information!

Friday, May 24, 2013

♥ Freeber By G o S H ! 05.24.2013 ♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

★Let there be cowgirls for every whiskey drankin' SOB!!!
★I'm still in my country kick, so mosey on over and pick up these TWO Limited time FREEBERS!!!
★Grab yours while you can cuz once they're outta the Freeber     board...yup...that's right...They're $75L...
★Bless all ya'lls hearts. Have a listen to G o S H ! Radio.
★Check out the G o S H ! Blog too! http://goshgestures.blogspot.com/
★Yeah I know...We rawk it! *curtsy*


G o S H ! Mainstore @ Sweety Bay

Thursday, May 23, 2013

♥Freeber By G o S H ! 05.23.13♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures 
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

★Drank a lil drank smoke a lil smoke...sure feels good smokin' this sh...!!!  

★C-O-U-N-T-R-Y, so mosey on over and pick up these TWO Limited time FREEBERS!!!  
★Grab yours while you can cuz once they're outta the Freeber board...yup...that's     right...They're $75L...
★Bless all ya'lls hearts. Have a listen to G o S H ! Radio. 
★Check out the G o S H ! Blog too! http://goshgestures.blogspot.com/ 
★Yeah I know...We rawk it! *curtsy*


G o S H ! @ Sweety Bay

Also...While you're here...check out our newest sim SUNNY DREAM!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

♥Freeber By G o S H ! 05.19.13♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

★Shake It, Shake It, Shake it Baby Shake It!!!
★Them girls out in the country they be gettin' it done, so mosey on over     and pick up these TWO Limited time FREEBERS!!!
★Grab yours while you can cuz once they're outta the Freeber     board...yup...that's right...They're $75L...
★Bless all ya'lls hearts. Have a listen to G o S H ! Radio.
★Check out the G o S H ! Blog too! http://goshgestures.blogspot.com/
★Yeah I know...We rawk it! *curtsy*

Mainstore @ Sweety Bay


Thursday, May 16, 2013

♥The Ultimate Kawaii Hunt♥

Calling all you hunters out there.  Do you love SL Grid Wide Hunts?  Well this is the first hunt that G o S H ! has participated in this year, and I hope that it'll be the first of many.  The Ultimate Kawaii Hunt brought to you by Ari Cheng of Infinite Fantasia Hunts.  She's the creator and owner of Pretty Kitties.  She has been super nice and just on top of things.  I've been in a few hunts and I love the way she gave us a schedule and she stuck to it!  I even had a few booboos and she was really nice about it when correcting me lol. Anyway...This is a cute lil hunt...with everything KAWAII!!!! YAY!!!  All the hunt items are $1L and it's running from May 15, 2013 - June 15, 2013 so grab your friends and make it a hunt party!  Maybe ya'll can make a contest out of it or something amongst each other.  See who can finish the hunt first!!!

Okay Okay I know Ana, get to the great stuff like the links to the hunt!!! DUH!!! :)

The Ultimate Kawaii Hunt!

Here are the Hunt Hints!

Preview of Hunt Items!

If you'd like to take a look at Ari's other hunts go to her Infinite Fantasia Hunts Main Page. Check out her future hunts and if you're interested in joining with a great lady running some awesome hunts then DUH!!! Fill out an application!  

Also, make sure you join her groups (as well as mine..DUH).  She offers a lot of activity for customers and she is really involved.  I love it.  Keep up the awesome work, Ari!!!

Here...Join her group here: Pretty Kitties VIP Group  It's $200L to join, but it's well worth it.  She's always updating us to what she's doing and what's going on.  I really enjoy it, and can tell she works really hard.  

Now it's time for my shameless store plug!

Visit my mainstore @ Sweety Bay! G o S H ! Mainstore
Join my group: G o S H !

Have a look around the sim.  Ride the new horse we have.  Take some pics, we have some really pretty scenery.  Also make sure you have a listen to our G o S H ! Radio either at Sweety Bay, in your favorite Music player, or put our stream directly on your land.  Uncensored and 24/7.

Ok, I think I covered enough for one blogging lol... Do everything I said!!! 

Love Ya, Mean It...
♥ Ana ♥ 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

♥Freeber By G o S H ! 05.14.13♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

Friday Night Football, Saturday last call, Sunday Hallelujah!!!  Mosey on over and pick up these three Limited time FREEBERS!!!  Get a lil redneck in your blood!!!  Say DJ Play this...Grab yours while you can cuz once they're outta the Freeber board...yup...that's right...They're $75L...Bless all ya'lls hearts. Have a listen to G o S H ! Radio. Yeah I know...We rawk it! *curtsy*

G o S H ! Mainstore


Monday, May 13, 2013

♥Freeber By G o S H !♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

As the smoke clears, we're callin' all Redneck Rockstars!!!  Mosey on over and pick up these two Limited time FREEBERS!!!  TRUCK YEAH!!!  Grab yours while you can cuz once they're outta the Freeber board...yup...that's right...They're $75L...Bless all ya'lls hearts. Have a listen to G o S H ! Radio. Yeah I know...We rawk it! *curtsy*


G o S H ! Mainstore

Sunday, May 5, 2013

♥slOOkers LOTD By G o S H ! 05.05.2013♥

 Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

I haven't really been feeling like doin' much...so I gotta get my groove back.
Did go hang out at the Armadillo tonight...I Had a great time catching up with old friends..I hope to do it again soon. If ya'll get a chance...Go and check out The Flying Armadillo...Another Texas Native and awesomely decorated place. If you get a chance have a chat with the Owner Serra Seelowe...She's one of my oldest friends. Was really great to see her again.

OOoh G o S H ! is gonna be in the Ultimate Kawaii Hunt...so look for that. It'll be everything Kawaii!!! YAY!!!

I'm gonna offer a freeber of a couple of gestures that aren't even released in the stores yet...so keep a look out for that too!! YEAH!

I'll keep it short and sweet...Maybe I'll do some of those challenges or something to just at least keep bloggin...

Aight Aight...what am I wearin?!?!?!

*Mon Cheri*:: Cropped Top :: Flirtini 
{Mon Tissu} :: Cuffed Denim Shorts :: Medium Wash

J's Western Boots

Truth :: Liberty :: Swedish w/Roots 

Maxi Gossamer :: Love Rocker :: Silver

Jamman Jewels :: Ultra Mesh Rigged Fingernails

Saturday, April 20, 2013

♥Happy 420♥ .::slOOkers::. LOTD~04.20.2013♥

Happy Happy Happy

To kick off today I'm offering a few Freebers in celebration.  Stop by the store to get 'em.  They're from the parody of the Macklemore - Thrift Shop song, and they're hilarious!!!  

I dunno really what to do today.  So far I haven't received any notices about any 420 parties...which really sucks cuz today could be the ultimate party day lol...

I also wanted to dress for the occasion so I've put together a green ensemble.  I absolutely love coldLogic...Every dress I've got from there I absolutely LOVE!!!  I've been in the process of switching all my clothing and such over to mesh and coldLogic has GAWJUS clothes.  They're classy.  They're mesh.  They're AWESOME!!! Oh yeah and....IT'S EFFING POLKA DOTTED!!! 

Now...Check out these shoes...A few years ago everyone was gettin' the Redgrave skins.  I am no exception.  After a while when you see everyone with the same skin as you, you want to get something different.  So I then became an absolute skin WHORE...I've found one and a shape that I really love so I never change those anymore...(I prolly just mojo'd myself and now Imma start buyin' skins at a rapid pace again lol) 

Want me to blog about your skin, shape, hair, clothing, whatever??  Send me a notecard..preferably mesh lol.

Ok Ok...back to my shoes...As I was saying, everyone has Redgrave so I admit that sometimes I overlook their things because of that reason...These shoes were different they caught my eye and instantly jumped in my closetory...Oh My!!!

Maxi Gossamer is apparently favored in my closetory.  I always find myself going to her jewelry.  These sunglasses are by her as well...Aren't they divine?!?!?

This flashy lil bracelet is from JPB Bandt.  I usually never get their stuff because it's so dang expensive but I decided to splurge a lil for this bracelet...I dig it.

Of course it's 420 so naturally I'm puffin' away on my blunt...

Now let's see what kinda ruckus we can cause!!!! lol.... 

Ready or Not....

We stopped off at Blackheart's Cafe first...They're having a 4th celebration for something, I didn't catch what it was lol...but Deke didn't like the colors of the balloons and such so we were off to the next place....

We TP'd to The Crossroads...We've been here several times, but I dunno maybe I'm just not in a bluesy kinda mood lol...It's making me feel bitchy, in a rush and nervous...and the lag is horrendous!  So we gonna get the EFF out!

We haven't been very successful today in finding anything fun to do.  Places have people there but no one's chatting.  We like to socialize but that's hard to do if you can't get anyone to socialize with ya...

It seems that a lot of places are just stuffy.  With way too many uhm ruhtarded rules...What happened to just lettin' people dance, chat and have a good time?!?!  Why are there rules about where you can dance, who's chim you can dance on and who you can talk to?  Seems like most clubs are run by egomaniacs with god complexes lol...

Imma go take a nap and see if I wake up in a better mood lol...

Well I'm awake and I think I'm in a little better mood, but Deke is still in dick mode so I'll just let him work that out...I just saw a thing on FB that said there's a Whiskey Go Round here in SL and they have a party every Saturday at 8pm SLT...so I think I'll check that out....

Ya'll join my groups on Snapzilla and post your pics of SL to...IT's AMAZING you'll be glad you did. 

make sure you sign up and then join each of my groups...Well you don't have to join them all but it sure would be cool if you did!!! lol...

I have a Look Of The Day group .::slOOkers::. and of course my G o S H ! group...Join them all!!! YAY!!! 

I'm on the marketplace: 





Join G o S H ! group:

Have a very happy 420!!!

What I'm Wearing:

Dress: coldLogic*Mills*Green
Shoes: Redgrave*Donna*12 Colors
Hair: Truth*Dawson*Swedish w/Roots
Jewelry: Earrings, Necklace, Rings - Maxi Gossamer*Giselle*Black
               Sunglasses*Cat's Eye*40's Classic
Jewelry: Bracelet*JPB Bandt*Paris
Fingernails: Jamman Jewels*Ultra Mesh Rigged V3
Blunt: Feelgood*Realistic Blunt*Small

Sunday, April 14, 2013

♥slOOkers LOTD ~ by G o S H !♥

:: slOOkers ::

  I guess I've been feeling a bit nostalgic lately.  All this constant fighting with Deke is really wearing me out emotionally.  So I kinda slipped a little on all my bloggin' or pic takin'.  

  I really like the rockabilly kind of look and I've always felt like I was born in the wrong era (which I'm sure I share this with probably everyone in the world lol) I used to love to go to Sock Hops in Elementary school.  We'd have 50's Day and a dance.  I LOVEEEED IT!! 

 Well I guess that's the inspiration for this L:O:T:D...

 I'll keep this one short and sweet lol because I think I smoked myself ruhtarded... 

I know I know...ya'll really don't care about my woes lol...Maybe I can write myself a Dear AnaBanana Letter lol...

What am I wearing you ask?!
Dress: Mon Tissu ~ Rokoray Dress*Sock Hop
Hair: Wasabi Pills ~ Brigitte*Rye
Glasses: Maxi Gossamer ~ Milano Cats-Eye*40's Classic
Footwear: DECO ~ Sequined Heel*Ruby
Jewelry: [Magic Nook] ~ Shoo Be Doo Set*Red
Nails: Jamman Jewels ~ Ultra Mesh Rigged Nails

Really sucks to be wearing such a cute dress but feeling so blah :(  I don't feel like I've been able to give this dress the justice or fun it deserves...but it did get to catch a show...now woowee that girl can sang!!!  It did get to look really cute like right here: 

Yeah...That's our cute lil Sim in the background.  Ya'll should stop by and take some pics...Looksie around at the shop.  Have a party in the pasture...oh yeah...Buy my gestures lol!!!  I'm feeling a little bit better as I'm typing so maybe I'll be back full force lol...

Join me on Snapzilla!  Join my groups. Heck...Find me in-world and let's exchange calling cards!!!  I love new friends!  Anastasia Bergbahn

Time to smoke it up again... Puff Puff Puff Puff!!!  


Love Ya, Mean It!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

♥Oh G o S H ! Ask Dear Anabanana♥

Howdy ya'll...It's me again... I dunno if ya'll have noticed but I've been burnin' a lot of lightbulbs as of late lololol...Well here's another...

I know there are advice columnists out there and the world probably doesn't need another but Imma offer it anyway lol...

:::Ask Dear Anabanana:::

Feeling stressed?  Need some advice?  How about just someone to listen and offer an outside point of view?  Send me a letter and I'll respond with a completely unbiased point of view for you.  Maybe it'll help you in your decisions?  Maybe it'll give you some insight.  Everything's easier said than done.  We all know that.  Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us.  Not to pass judgement.  Not to take sides.  Just listen and respond with an unprejudiced point-of-view.  I'm the girl for you!  Send me a notecard and I'll respond in the form of a blog post personally for you.  Either with your assumed name or your avatar name.  Whichever you prefer.  Here's an example of the notecard to send to Anastasia Bergbahn

Yeah I know that's kinda a lame-o problem lol but hey it's all my lil head could come up with right on the spot...Anyway...You get the idea?  I'll respond with a blog post that will include your letter and whichever name you choose.  

Can't hurt right?  I doubt anyone really even reads my blog posts anyway lol...so it'll be interesting to see if anyone even takes me up on it.  Janis will like to help also...Maybe we can get Deke in on it to give us a male perspective...We have a fascinating team and we'll work to provide you the best advice we can.  

Lol it's hard to start somethin' when people don't respond!  I need to get my blog syndicated somewhere...but I either don't have enough posts yet, or my blog hasn't been open long enough.  I used to have an old blog that was syndicated on iheartsl.com but I no longer have access to that account and switched to a new blog for the new name for the store.  Oh well...I'll keep dreaming and someday...oneday..yes oneday...I'll be so syndicated lololol ***OMG UPDATE*** I'm Syndicated on iheartsl.com!!! I love that blog btw.  I just went to go look at the blog and saw my post there and I got so freakin' excited a tear ran down my leg!!! Jk But I was almost that excited...I did dance a lil jig lol...Thank you iheartsl.com You rawk my socks off!!!

Ya'll have a good'n and gimme a shot and tryin' to help you come up with a feasible solution to whatever problem, stress, woe, or even celebrations...If all else fails...Ask Dear Anabanana!

Love Ya, Mean it...

♥Oh G o S H ! It's Snapzilla!!!♥

Okay ya'll... I have something for ya'll to check out if you haven't already.  Maybe everyone already knows about it and I'm the last to know lol...but...OMG OMG OMG Have ya'll checked out Snapzilla?!?!?!??!?  I am freaking LOVING it! 

Don't know what Snapzilla is?  Lemme try to break it down for you ok? 

First...Go here and take a look at my Snapzilla Page ok: Ana's Snapzilla

Ok done that??  Great!  Ya'll rawk! lol...Wait...don't close it...Look at the pictures...Now...Sign up!

Here's How...

Click here: How to Register for Snapzilla. or continue reading and I'll provide instructions as well...

In order to use the personalization features of Snapzilla, you must be a registered Snapzilla user. You do not have to be a registered user to submit pictures to Snapzilla. The personalization features allow you to edit the descriptions of your pictures, setup albums, and create a list of favorites etc..

To register, you first need to create a Snapzilla account.

Once you have signed up for Snapzilla, there is an additional step necessary to use your account with Snapzilla. Before you can access your pictures, you must link your avatar in SL to your Snapzilla account. This is a simple one time process. To link your avatar, do the following:

1) First, create your Snapzilla account here.
2) Once you have registered with Snapzilla, there is one more step necessary - you have to link your avatar to your account by sending in a postcard the same way you normally send them to Snapzilla, just to a different address.

3) In Second Life, use the Email Postcard feature to send a snapshot to register@slpics.com from the avatar acccount you wish to register for Snapzilla. Note: this snapshot will not be saved, so it can be of anything.

4) Once you send the snapshot, it takes under 5 minutes for the system to update.
5) Once it has updated, if you followed these steps,  you are now linked. You can tell that you have been linked as you will no longer see this screen when you sign in. You can also see a little yellow star next to your name when you view the list of your pictures. This indicates you are registered.

Make certain that you are emailing your snapshot to register@slpics.com, not the standard pics@slpics.com.

For more information or assistance, please contact cristiano@sluniverse.com

Click here: I'm Registered On Snapzilla Now How Do I Use It? Or again I'll provide instructions:

You can send images to Snapzilla in two ways - by sending them directly from within Second Life, or by uploading.

To send a picture to Snapzilla:

  1. Find something you would like to photograph in SL.
  2. When you have you picture ready, click the "Snapshot" button
  3. Choose the "Send a Postcard" Option (it's free!).
  4. In the "Recipient's Email" box, Enter pics@slpics.com as the email address to send to. If you are a Teen SL member, use teen@slpics.com instead.

    * Note * - this will include location information for where the snapshot was taken, which will allow other people to teleport to your location. If you would like to not include this information, send the snapshot to private@slpics.com. The location information will not be displayed for images sent to that address.

  5. Enter the Title of your snapshot the "Subject" box and any comments in the "Message box. It is not necessary to check Publish on the web or Mature content, they have no effect on the site.
  6. Click Send.

Your photo will be posted to the web within a few minutes -- you can find them at http://www.slpics.com

Okay!!! Now you have absolutely no excuse to not sign up.  If you don't sign up you're totally lame-o and not one of the cool SL Kids...JS.

Oh yeah yeah...I've made some groups...JOIN 'EM!  Ya heard?!  Here...Lemme make it easy for you...I'll provide you a link to each Ha! I win!  I just cut out another excuse for you to join.  

 G o S H ! ~ Link to my store's group on Snapzilla.  I'll post pics of all things G o S H ! here.  
.::Adventures In Second Life::. ~ We all have some pretty amazing adventures in SL.  Join this group and share them with us.  This is just you and your friends hangin' out in SL makin' memories.  
.::Let's Go Clubbin'::. ~ I'm constantly searching for clubs for Deke and I to hangout at.  Join this group and share your best and worst clubs in SL.  Are you a club owner?  Join this group and give yourself some free promotion.  
.::Live Music::.  ~ Join this group to let us know your best and worst live musicians in SL.  Wanna promote yourself?  Join this group and let us know where you'll be performing. 
.::People of Second Life::. ~ Like People of Walmart?  Same concept just with SL.  Join and submit your wacky SL people!
.::slOOkers By G o S H !::. ~ Join and Submit your Look of the Day Photos!!!  Give credit where credit is due..Let's let SL know how in fashion we are!

Thanks in advance!!!  I'm just starting this out so all the help I can get on this will be greatly appreciated.  I'm so tired of trying to find GOOD places to go hangout...I wanna be able to provide people some options. 

Don't forget to mosey on by the store and buy some gestures!! 

~Ana @ G o S H !~

Monday, April 8, 2013

♥Oh G o S H ! Live Music!!!♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

I was gonna blog about another singer that we saw in SL, but I've just been so excited to tell ya'll about She blew us away! 

Went to search for something for us to do and saw that there was this girl it said making her debut singing in SL...She just happened to be on Fire Bay and since we're on Sweety Bay, we decided to go check her out.  Boy howdy I'll tell you what...She was amazing.  I wasn't expecting her to sound as good as she did.  It was an awesome surprise! 

To be honest, I was expecting a lot of mess ups and what not because lol she's a noob!  She said she was 45 days old so I was thinkin' oh great.  But on the contrary...she was amazingly great.  She sang a song that her and some friends wrote together about SL called The Griefer Song.  OMG it was so freakin' cute.  

I hope she doesn't kill me for saying this, but I get a Taylor Swiftish kinda vibe from her music...I think Taylor Swift is a dang talented artist.  So lol I hope you know Krysania that when I say that, I mean it as a total compliment. 

That Griefer song was so cute.  I would love to be able to get a copy of that for when(if) I DJ again.  I loved it.  

She sang some Green Day, Cold Play, Mumford & Sons, Backstreet Boys, and Yes...Semisonic...with some Closing Time.  I enjoyed every single one of her songs.  I loved the way she entertained the crowd...She talked and she giggled and I could tell that she was having a blast up there.  Her voice was so amazing...I just can't stress enough how impressed we are.  Her pitches were dead on.  Her chords were clean, and in tune.  Could tell she was having fun up there singing and that just made it better.  

I guess with all this babbling about her, I'm telling ya'll to go and have a listen to her.  You will not be disappointed.  

Even her avatar is cute...look:

Make sure you go and like her fb page: https://www.facebook.com/phoenixjmusic 

Remember to go search her and have a listen...Or I will hunt you down and virtually kill you!  jk!

Did you think I was gonna forget a shameless store plug?!?!? lolol

Go by and check out the store!

There's some new gestures in there and in the back of the store is the Freeber. Freebers right now are from Blake Shelton's Song "Boy's 'Round Here" They're AWESOME! I love them and use them as much as possible lol...

Leave me some feedback ya'll.  I'd love to hear from ya'll.  Do you have gesture suggestions? Gestures you'd like to see in the store?  Lemme know!  I do custom gestures of every shape and size so if you'd like one, send a detailed notecard of your gesture request to me! Anastasia Bergbahn and I'll be more than happy to make you one.  Wanna hear my gestures before you buy them? Stop by the store and have a listen to them or ask me and I'll send you some samples.  

Well until next time...Don't forget to go listen to Krysania!  


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

♥slOOkers By G o S H ! LOTD 03.25.2013♥

G ᴏ S H ! Gestures
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʟᴇ ѕᴏᴜтнᴇʀɴ нᴏѕᴘɪтᴀʟɪтʏ

I don't really have much of a story with this LOTD.  I was trying to find a dress that really liked and I was thinkin' it was this one.  Once I got everything on I realized that it wasn't this one, but what the heck, I'll make it a LOTD anyway...cuz duh it's super cute!!  

We did go to Wet Willies for a while and listened to some pretty good music.  Started out with one DJ and then switched to DJ Spike.  He played good music and was pretty funny.  Put your lips together...Take your finger and move it over your top and bottom lip making that bluhbluhbluhbluh sound.  He kept making that sound and maybe it was the glorious green, but it was cracking me up lol.  

We really like hanging out there, I just don't like the lag that comes with it. There's always a nice group of people dancing and listening to the music.  The DJ's I've heard have all played some good tunes too.  The hostesses always seem to be on the ball and try to have conversations with people and greet/help patrons...That's pretty cool, because all too often hosts just play gestures and say hi to people.  Like I said the other day it's gesture friendly so I love that.  Ya'll should check it out if ya get the chance and don't mind wading through a lil lag...

Once we left we hopped around to a few other clubs and ended up at Blackhearts Cafe.  As soon as we landed there's Tree and Giggles YAY! Went inside and someone left the zoo gates open.  There was a kitty, a bunny, a dragon, a werewolf and a cat...Was quite comical seeing the kitty and bunny catfight lol...

We ended the night back at home messing in our lol.  Overall...pretty tame day.

Oh what am I wearing? 

ᴅʀεss  Boho Baby*Rainbow
ғòóтωεᴀʀ  Equestrian Leather Boots*Black
нᴀɪʀ  Leesa*Swedish w/Roots
ɴᴀɪʟѕ  Ultra Mesh Rigged Fingernails
ᴊεωεʟʀʏ  Giselle*Black

Pretty simple outfit today but still cute as heck!

Come by and check out the store, I've added some new Harley Quinn and Miss Swan Gestures.  Grab the freeber in the back.  Tell your friends.  Take a look around the sim, dance on the pasture, have a roll in the hay, and then I dunno lol have a hanging at dawn down at the hanging tree!  

Click this cute lil blinkie to visit the store

And click this one to join the group:

Love Ya, Mean It..